Sunday, August 15, 2010

Iron Kids Triathlon

Olivia and Maddie did the Iron Kids Triathlon.

It was the real deal, with no parent help.
And they loved every minute of it.

This is Maddie's favorite'll see the theme throughout the summer photos.

Clare, entertaining us...while we were waiting for the swim to start.

Olivia coming out of the swim.

And headed to the transition zone.

Maddie in the swim.

And finishing the swim.

Maddie, starting the 2 mile bike

Olivia finishing the run.

Maddie, starting her run.

And Maddie wrapping up her run.

Maddie, with Winter, the race ambassador.


Padgett Hoke said...

these little ones are going to be doing an real iron man in no time! how cool that they get to do these - very jealous that we didn't have anything like that growing up!

Krista Graham said...

I HATE the 4,000 miles between us. You know that, right??